
活动报名 | ECI ACADEMY 2022年度巡讲首站【京东云专场】

来源:    作者:      2022年05月18日 15:43



冯老师 Faye
Mobile:130 6264 6939




IECIA(全称 International Entrepreneurs, Creatives & Innovators Association)国际数字经济创新组织,2014 年成立,是全球首个专注于数字经济创新的推广、表彰、 研究、教育和咨询的非营利(NPO)机构。致力于通过ECI Awards 奖项的认可,ECI Academy 创新学院的教育,来实现创新,并通过ECI Festivals 提供资源和服务以促进企业家 /E,创意人士 /C 和创新者 /I 三者之间在数字经济产业创新链中的合作与共赢。

Founded in 2014, IECIA (InternationalEntrepreneurs, Creatives & Innovators Association) is the first globalnon-profit committed to promotion, recognition, research, training andconsulting of innovation in digital economy. IECI achieve innovation throughthe recognition of ECI awards and the education of ECI academy, and provideresources and services through ECI funds to promote the cooperation and win-winamong entrepreneurs / E, creatives / C and innovators / I in the innovationchain of digital economy industry.


关于国际艾奇奖(ECI Awards)

ECI Awards国际数字创新奖,(全称 Entrepreneurship, Creativity & Innovation Awards,简称艾奇奖),由中国学者联合27个国家和地区数字经济领域的创新专家学者共同发起的公益性、学术性、独立性研究教育机构IECIA/国际数字经济创新组织于2014年设立,是全球第一个使用“创新的有效性”作为评价标准的数字创新的国际奖项。它表彰在商业模式、产品、服务、技术、营销和管理类别中,以及个人和组织取得的最有创新性的成就,以鼓励和激励世界各地在商业和创意产业的创新应用,ECI Awards激励创造、引导创新、定义未来,被誉为全球最具权威性与影响力的数字经济创新“诺贝尔奖”。

ECI Awards (known as Entrepreneurship, Creativity & Innovation Awards), founded in 2014, is initiated jointly by Chinese scholars and global digital innovation experts who from 27 countries and regions that activated by an educational institute of philanthropic,academic and independent researches. The ECI Awards, being the first universal honor which implementing an evaluation standards remarked as "The effectiveness of Innovation" in the field of digital economics world-widely, it recognizes those products, people and organizations which have gotten ultimate achievements on business models, products,services, technologies, marketing and managing,inspiring the implementing of commercial and creative industries around the world. ECI Awards, the Nobel Prize of the most authorized and effective digital economic innovation, is guiding the application of innovation ,defining the future.


关于国际数字创新节(ECI Festival)

ECI Festival立足中国,辐射全球,由ECI国际艾奇奖联合27个国家和地区共同发起。国际数字创新节是一年一度的博览会,以“创新应用”为核心,集创意、创业、创投、创新为一体,网罗最具应用价值的品牌和产品,云集全球优秀科技界、营销界、资本界企业和大咖,共同打造年度影响广泛、最具创新力的数字产业盛会。全球来自中国、美国、英国、法国、德国、日本、以色列、俄罗斯、印度、澳大利亚、韩国、巴西、瑞典、意大利等数字经济发达国家和地区超过1000名专家,以及近2000家企业参与其中,在国内国际数字经济及商业创新领域已产生巨大及深远的影响力。

About ECI Festival

ECI Festival is based in China and radiates to the world. It is jointly initiated by ECI Awards and 27 countries and regions. ECI Festival is an annual international event . With "bring innovation to life " as the core values , it integrates creativity, entrepreneurship, venture capital and innovation, gathers the most valuable brands and products, gathers the world's outstanding enterprises in the field of technology, marketing, capital and big names, and jointly creates the most influential and innovative digital industry event of the year.More than 1,000 experts from China, the United States, The United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, Israel, Russia, India, Australia, South Korea, Brazil, Sweden, Italy and other developed countries and regions in the digital economy, as well as nearly 2,000 enterprises, participated in the event. ECI Festival has had a huge and far-reaching impact on the domestic and international digital economy and business innovation.

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